Friday, October 1, 2010

belle chaque jour

My father recently got three of his wisdom teeth taken out. Now, I know this is usually seen as something that happens earlier in life, but this did something really interesting for him. The combination of the laughing gas (which really doesn't make you laugh) and the pain reliever caused my dad to be temporarily void of any anxiety or worry. I sat down with him and we talked, for a long time, about the bigger picture. He talked about how fixing the roof, and work, and retirement didn't matter. He complimented my mother on her beauty and talked about how strange, but peaceful he felt. I should explain that my father is normally a very affectionate and loving person, but he has also carried a good amount of responsibility throughout his life. I loved seeing him free like that.

I think that's how we should be anyway, without the drugs, of course. So that is why I started this blog; to look at the finer things in life, our reasons for being happy, for not just enduring, but for living. For not letting life pass us by as quickly as the sun rises and sets, but to appreciate something--maybe not everything, but at least one good thing every day.

The photo on the left gives you a good idea of what the weather is like today. It's easy for me to let my feelings coincide with the weather. But, on the first day of October, the new page on my calendar gave me a reminder:

"Think big, for there's no greater delight than living your dreams." -Anonymous 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new blog! I look forward to your thoughts on c'est belle vie!
